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Sunday, September 26, 2010

On a serious note...

Ok fellow bitches hope you are all having an amazing weekend! So I thought for just a minute I would get serious on something that is rather important to me. The equality of human rights.....this is where I might lose some people but lets go for it anyway.

This is the year 2010 (Right I didn't miss a year did I?) and it astounds me that even now we do not consider people equal. Men and women in the gay community are not allowed to marry whoever they choose. This pisses me off!! Look regardless if you agree with it or not you have to agree that people should be treated equally and that they have just as much right as you or I to marry whomever they choose. So because your religion states that it's wrong then it must be law. We don't live in that time anymore people.  Your religion doesn't dictate my world.....your beliefs don't tell me how I should live my day.  I'm not going to say what you choose to believe is's wrong for me but maybe it isn't for you. So I would expect that same courtesy.  I don't want to hear that they are destroying the word marriage.  Wake up people you know who is destroying marriage it's us heterosexuals! We have been the ones allowed to get married and we have been the one's who have cheated, and lied and have gotten divorced. (myself included) The gay community would probably bring back the sanctity of marriage because they have been denied it for so long it would be a hell of a lot more special to them than it is to us.  I'm sorry that you think they will go to hell for who they love because if I recall God is all about love. Loving your neighbor....hate crimes against them is not loving them. I believe God created us all in his image right? So he created you in his image but not them? It's disgusting to me and I honestly don't understand why this is still an issue.
Someone once said to me what would you do if Sophia was gay? lmao really? You know what I would do I would be so proud of her because she would be honest with who she is. PERIOD!! I have told her on several occassions and will continue to tell her until the day I die. I don't care who you love just make sure you love them deeply and make sure they love you back just as much.  I refuse to put up with discrimination and I will NOT have that around my child. I will raise her as I was raised we are all equal.  We are all put on this earth to live happily and to make mistakes but we are not put on this earth to judge people and to prevent them from loving and from being who they are.
I am not trying to change anyone's mind, but I'm venting about something that angers me very deeply. I know one day this wll no longer be an issue I just hope it happens soon.I wish the people who believed so strongly against it would take religion out of it and look at it from a human rights point of view. Religion is religion it needs to stay in the church and out of our schools and government. This is a perfect reason why.  I will raise my daughter to know that EVERYONE is equal and EVERYONE deserves the same treatment. I just wish more people would raise their children encouraging love instead of hate. Then maybe we wouldn't have half the problems we do.

Vent over.....


  1. I think homosexuals should be able to experience bitchy spouses! Experience all that marriage has to offer... good and bad!!!! The ability to lose your house overnight cause your spouse took it from you! Now who doesnt want to experience that??? LOL!

  2. Lmao james I'm sure many spouses would love the opportunity to get yelled at for making the raiders lose.

  3. Trudi,
    I am so proud of you for taking this stand and agree with you 100%! Even though I am part of a religion that is on the "other side" from your opinion, I am not. My best friend is lesbian and married to her wife legally now, but they have been "married" for 10 years, adopted a wonderful little boy six years ago, and they are very much a part of our lives on every level, so my kids are exposed to their lifestyle and they know they are gay. I refuse to be ignorant and live biased, or raise my children to be that way. So, my bottom line response to your post is "AMEN!!" :) :) :)

  4. I totally agree with you Trudi! It shouldn't matter what race, religion, orientation you are, you should have the same rights as any other person!
