My little family

My little family
Family Picture

Monday, September 20, 2010

And here we go......

I'm going to start off by introducing myself. Most of you will probably already know me, if you don't how the hell did you find yourself on this page?
I'm a new mom which means I'm sleep deprived  and I have an extra 10 lbs sitting on my ass. I'm newly married it will be 2 years in October so I think I'm technically still in the honeymoon period however I think we left the honeymoon back in Hawaii. I have an amazing husband....he's amazing because he puts up with me on a daily basis and he's amazing because he has managed to last this long without me killing him. Even though I tried! We will save that story for a later date. I have 3 dogs which are completely untrained and pretty much run this house. I work from home which means I lack human contact and I'm excited when the UPS guy drops something off. He now throws the package at the door without even slowing down. I'm addicted to crappy tv and if I could find a job as a tv and movie critic I would not only be the happiest woman in the world I would also weight 500 lbs. Still a woman can dream. I love to read and I love fashion. I wish that I had some kind of sewing capability however I'm not even sure how to thread the damn thing. I did take a sewing class in Jr. High but I got an F for sewing a button on wrong. Did you know you can sew a button on wrong? Yeah neither did I, as far as I'm concerned the button stayed on so I think that deserves an A. Guess I was wrong.
I've lived a somewhat crazy life. It's had it's moments of insanity but really who hasn't. Mine was just a little bit more extreme than others. I now live a happy but boring life. I'm generally a pretty happy person so why do I call my blog the Bitchy Mommy well because I am! I tell it like it is which usually gets me in trouble. Maybe it's because I have the mouth of a sailor who knows. I'm honest but I'm not out to hurt people's feelings that's never my goal.  I'm sarcastic and clumsy and I enjoy sports and beer. I am a democrat (OH SHIT!), and I believe in standing up for gay rights (the fact that this is still an issue PISSES me off), I'm noisy about what I believe in...probably too noisy but I believe if you don't stand up for what you believe in most then why bother believing in anything at all.  So this is just the tip of the iceberg of what I am and what I believe. I'm sure you will find out ALL kinds of things about me....whether you want to know them or not. Bring on your comments I'm sure I will say some things that you agree with and some things you won't but at least we will have fun....right??
So join me if you will and here we go......


  1. Cant wait to see what comes next. Buckle your seat belts- we are in for an e_ticket ride.!!!
    the mom

  2. This is going to be so much fun! Your blog will become famous :) :) Love you girl.

  3. Mr. Trudi has my sympathy!
