My little family

My little family
Family Picture

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What happened to the year??

How freaking long has it been since I blogged? Good lord!
So since the last time the diva has turned one. ONE!! It's been an entire year since that child has exploded out of my vagina (you can't tell me there wasn't an explosion. I saw blood and there were stitches involved. If that's not an explosion I don't know what is). She's walking and has an unhealthy obsession with our stairs. Which is enough to send this bitchy mommy into hysterics. She has now discovered tv which leaves me utterly dumbfounded over this spongebob squarpants fellow. I don't understand the love for this sponge that lives in the sea. I only wish that her favorite show was true blood or maybe one of the law and orders. It would make tv time so much more enjoyable. So after a year of no sleep our littlest diva is finally going to bed at 8 and sleeping through the night. After a year of sleeping 2 hours a night we finally figured out what her problem is. She doesn't like her crib. Ummmm excuse me I don't know what's wrong with her. I would gladly crawl into that thing and catch myself a nap but no not my child. She prefers to sleep on a full size bed. I didn't get a freaking full size bed till I was 17. Must be nice. Oh my exhausting diva
What else has happened?? We added another member to the household. Like my animal pack wasn't insane enough we have now adopted a 3 legged dog. Ooohhhhhh yeah you heard me. 4 dogs....15 legs A stray showed up at our office. Malnourished and limping on his leg. After trying to find a rescue to take him we busted him out of the pound the day they were going to put him down. After taking him to the vet the only way we could save him was by amputating his leg. So that is how we got Ben. Ben the 3 legged dog. Ben who snores louder than any person I've ever met. Well with exclusion to my grandma. No offense grandma
Last and certainly not least is my other big announcement. I've started my own business. Along with our insurance agency I am now selling Stella & Dot. I am soooooo excited. I love it! So along with a walking toddler, a 3 legged dog, the insurance business and, 4500 sq ft house that for some reason doesn't seem to clean itself I have found a business that I love. I'm not going to lie. It's hard to find that balance of sanity amongst all those things when I was really never sane to begin with but I'm working on it. When my day is mostly elbow high in poop it's nice to have something that you can focus on that you really feel passionate about.

Life has been crazy...silly and chaotic in sometimes the most exhausting of ways. But if I changed it what the hell would I complain about.
Check out my website there's my shameless plug

1 comment:

  1. Ah you have done well my love...hang in there. .It will get better...til she is sixteen and sneaking out her window to meet her friends...boys...u will when is the next one coming.
    Love mom
