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My little family
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Boo Boo's and the new mommy

So as you all know I'm a new mom which means everything that happens is a crisis. We had several this week and I handled it like any insane woman would. First Monday morning came like every other Monday morning. Baby yelling for breakfast, the coffee maker working overtime and the dogs running amok. Then it happened.....the dog scratched Sophia on her face. Of course it was on accident but that didn't stop me from screaming that my 7 month old child was now going to be blind. I'm not sure who was screaming louder me or her. The husband had to come in and calm me down and assured me that our child was not going to be blind. In my mind I had already started scouting out which seeing eye dog would be the best to get her. So off we went to the dr where she received her second round of flu shots. Again she screamed and I made the dr see her to make sure that there was no permanent damage. There was possibly a cornea scratch so drops were prescribed. Home we go...a few hours go by and we are playing and my child like a drunk after a night of binging toppled over head first onto her blocks. Less than 10 minutes later and tears from us both she has a bruise and I'm convinced at this point bubble wrap is the only thing that will prevent her from being injured.  Fast forward to the next this point I don't think I have put her down for longer than 5 minutes. Look Monday was rough enough no laughing! She's lucky I didn't crawl into the crib with her. Tuesday was going fine. We played, we ate, we watched our soap opera then I had to use the bathroom. Damn me for taking a water pill in the morning...anyway off to the bathroom we went. Now I put her into her little vibrating bouncy and she sat straight up.  I kept telling her lean back baby, lean back and she laughed and laughed at me like I was telling her a joke. As I'm pulling my hair back before i pick her up she throws herself forward right onto our hard floor. Cue the screams. So now my daughter has a scratch under one eye, a bruise on her cheek and a red bump on her forehead. At this point how has the state not intervened and removed this child from our home.
Look I know I'm crazy and I know that at some point bumps and bruises are going to be a part of our everyday life but I'm not quite ready for that yet. I am not going to handle this part very well. Remember I'm the woman who stays up at night worrying that someone is going to break into my house and steal my child. So the fact that my child is crying because she unfortunately got her mothers clumsiness kills me. How do you mother's handle it!!! I am now convinced that bubble boys mother just locked him in the bubble and there was nothing actually wrong with him. So as I prepare for more tears in the future....from me not her I can only do one thing. Go online and find the best damn bubble money can buy.


  1. hahahahahahaha, oh Trudi. You poor thing. At first, I felt really bad for Sophia (and still do), but then you told the "sitting straight up in the bouncy seat" story and I started busting a gut. Annie did that and toppled forward too... scared the living daylights out of me. She was even strapped in! So, just know this horrible stuff is normal and your child (and you) WILL survive. It's so hard sometimes. Chloe is my accident-prone one and at 3 yrs ols has two bruises on her at this moment from bumping into things. Call CPS! LOL :) xoxo

  2. hang in there momma... it has only just begun_ you will overcome ... i did with you and your brother
    Love mommy

  3. One day when Mia was about the same age as the Diva is now, she was in her bouncy seat. She liked us to lean it up against the ottoman so she was very close to straight up and down. Wouldn't you know it, one of the dogs bumped into her and she went head first into the ground. Scared us more than her. She laughed and giggled for a good long time. Next time, she rolled off the top of the ottoman to the floor as she was being changed. Memories..... your doing great and she's obviously happy and healthy. Good job sweetheart ♥ aunt cecie

  4. I like it here!
    It's my first time but I am now your follower. :)

  5. thank you. I thought I was the only one that feels everything is a crisis! =)

    Read my CRISIS here:

    it was a crisis in deed.

    xo another new momma,
    brittany @
