My little family

My little family
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Has anyone seen my mind?

Sorry I've been gone so long it's been a hectic week....but I'm back so here we go!

I knew that when I became a mom things were going to change for me. I knew that I wouldn't think the same way but never did I imagine the thoughts that would flood me on a daily basis. 
First off I have realized I am now a crazy person. Someone has taken over my body and brain and I have become a shell of my former self. I am a nut job and here are all my crazy thoughts.
I am convinced the house is going to burn down or someone is going to break in and steal my child. Yes I have an alarm but that doesn't stop me from thinking ninja assassins are going to mission impossible my house to take my child who's only talent at this point is farting and giggling. If I leave the backdoor unattended I'm convinced a rattlesnake is going to slither it's way in and eat us all alive. Am I done with my craziness?? Honey I'm just getting started!
I'm convinced every night that suddenly for some unknown reason the baby monitor is no longer working and my husband must listen to me as I sneak in there and whisper some phrase through it. Usually it's "Your a jackass" something along those lines. I check the stove several times before bed because I'm convinced I didn't turn it off and we are all going to die in our sleep.  I'm worried about my health constantly thinking I'm going to drop dead from some unknown disease and leave my child in the hands of the man who refuses to change anything that resembles a poopy diaper.  I'm afraid that I'm going to slip and fall and break my leg and I won't be able to crawl to the phone to get help because the dogs will be attacking me and I'll bleed out. These are real thoughts people!! When I was delivering I begged the nurse over and over please don't let me die on the table please don't let this kid kill me. She probably though I was a lunatic. Today I was outside in our courtyard and a plane was going right over the house and I thought to myself if that plane exploded how long would I have before debris would hit our house, then I started wondering where the keys were in case this happened.
So in case you haven't figured it out by now I'm insane. I was normal until this child came busting out of me.  I have crazy thoughts and it has made me into a crazy mommy. I never thought this would happen to me. I thought nothing is going to change I'm going to stay the same normal person I was before I got myself knocked up. Well that didn't happen. I became a nut job.I think completely and utterly irrational and what makes it worse I'm completely aware of it. So my question is will this madness stop? Will I ever have a rational thought again? Will I be able to pass a stranger on the street without thinking its some government conspiracy to steal her and clone her. So I live in a sea of irrationality...the first step is admitting you have a problem right?  


  1. The answer to your question is no. And welcome to the secret order of the motherhood. Men just don't ge it tho they try bless them.
    It is not a job for the weak at heart

  2. I disagree. You are a total nutjob... but that's why we love you!

  3. Trudi,
    They make some wonderful anti-anxiety medications :D teeheehee

    P.S. You are a completely normal MOM. Relax.

  4. Like mother like daughter!

  5. LOL! I think the same way! These kids made us like this!
