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My little family
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The bitchy mommy vs Martha Stewart

I know it's been a while!! So no messin around let's just get into it!

I have a question, how the hell does Martha Stewart make everything look so easy. People talk about how Macgyver can save the world with just a paperclip and 5 seconds left to spare. But Martha can make a beautiful flower arrangement with a safety pin and a hairnet. How does this broad to it? I am definately not Martha Stewart in fact I may be the anti-martha. I may not be able to whip up a jelly roll in 10 minutes but I can sure find a sale on a fabulous pair of shoes. I'm the mom who shows up with cupcakes purchased at Target 5 min before a my 5 inch heels. Would I love to be her I hate her for it YES!  How do you tap into that part of your brain that holds all of that creative shit? I'm sure it's back there...once you get through the shoes and jean obssession and i'm sure it's right past my love of beer.  So I'm determined to be able to make shit out of nothing. I want to be that mommy who makes these beautiful cupcakes for my daughters class with sparkles and glitter on it. I want a whole crafting area of my house where I can just whip things up and hang it around my house for people to stare at and marvel at how beautiful it is and how complicated it looks to make so I can respond "oh that's nothing I did that yesterday in between the diva's bath and making dinner". I WANT TO BE SUPER BITCH. Do I see that happening? Yeah probably not. But it would be nice. No one told me that when you have kids the need to make things for your child will begin to surface. No matter how hard I push it down my inner Martha is starting to rise up and begin a revolt. I try to quiet her down with alcohol and the Real Housewives but she is dying to get out. So where do I start? Something I sew a dress made out  of an old tshirt? Do I make a wreath? Or do I make my own jelly and pass it out during the holidays. Oh you love the jelly? Yeah I made it no big thing it only took me 7 hours. So this is my goal for 2012, to tap into whatever it is that is trying to get out and do it. I would love to be able to pass some kind of gift down to Sophia....and I don't think being able to drink like a man could be considered a gift right? Well maybe it will be useful when she gets into college.