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My little family
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Monday, December 6, 2010

The sexy mommy

It's been a while so let's just jump into it shall we......hope you brought your floaties.

So let's discuss my favorite subject....SEX!! Now as a newlywed having a baby not to long after getting married I told myself that sex after the baby wouldn't change. I think most women try and tell ourselves this. It may happen to other people but it won't happen to us. Boy was I wrong. Before baby I felt sexy. Things were a little toner, I had time to do my hair and make up, my showers consisted of shaving my legs...above the knee! All these things that you take for granted when you don't have a child screaming at you. But now well I use the term "hot mess" pretty frequently and I think it more than applies. The hubby will look at me with the what's up baby look and I'm thinking seriously what the hell is wrong with you!  My hair is wet and in a bun and I'm pretty sure it still has conditioner in. My eyebrows haven't been waxed in god knows how long so me saying I have a unibrow would probably be an understatement. My attempt to put on make up failed miserably and I have two different color eyeshadows on because I completely forgot what I was doing and how to apply it correctly, I won't even discuss the fact that it's been 4 months since I have gotten a facial.  I haven't had a mani pedi in months so I'm at this point starting to look like a homeless person. I have stretch marks and I only managed to shave one leg before the diva started screaming and I had to jump out of the shower. I'm wearing a shirt that is wrinkled and has milk stains on it from a baby who decided that spitting up on me demonstrated just how much she really loves me. Who is this man that is looking at me and thinking hell yaa I want to tap that!  Since we never know when the diva is going to wake up sometimes sex is a little rushed but hey you take what you can get. Gone are the days when you wake up for a morning quickie...It's been quickly replaced with a screaming baby demanding her morning cereal or a diaper change. Gone are the days of coming home from a party and you can't even make it to the house you just handle business in the garage, it's been replaced with sneaking the baby into her room and out of her carseat hoping above anything that she doesn't wake up. No more sunday afternoon delights because you look over and what you thought was a sleeping baby is now awake with eyes wide open wondering what the hell is going on as she swings back and forth in her little swing. Creepy. Oh how quickly things have changed.

I think we as women need to be a little creative. We need to reach down and find our sexiness. It's there buried under dirty diapers and cereal.  We got it in us we are just so exhausted we have a hard time finding it. I'm pretty sure my sexiness is at the bottom of the hamper buried under onsies and bibs. Yeah things have changed but it's not necessarily bad.  We adjust but the key is to make it just as important as it was before. Because it is important. It's very important and we can try and say that it isn't but we need that contact with the person we love. It's important for the relationship. I know that somwhere under all baby throw up and big hairy eyebrows there is still the sexy mommy I was before and obviously the men in our lives don't seem to care how bad we look. They seem to find the sexiness in us when we don't even come close to feeling it....or maybe in my case he just has a really good imagination.